Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Super Powers??

Who would've thought I had hidden super powers?! In the past 4 weeks I have learned all these crazy things I can do that I never knew! For starters I can do EVERYTHING one handed and I'm talking everything people. Laundry, cooking, cleaning and yes even using the bathroom. Now I don't usually go to the bathroom with a baby in my hands but I have so I know I can do it! Next, surviving on zero sleep. I've always heard moms say they can do this but never believed them until now. Most of you know I like my sleep so being able to thrive and function with 3-4 hours of sleep is a huge accomplishment for me. I can get a cold and still function, YES it sounds crazy. I got a ridiculous head cold last week and was able to still get up at 2am for feedings and still bath my son and change diapers. Can you believe it? I didn't have to lay in bed for days on end to get rid of it. Now I'm not saying that I wouldn't have rather been doing that but someone needed me! I have discovered that I can be very organized, I've never been much of a neat freak but with Holden I have to have everything in its place otherwise I can't find it at 2am! And lastly, I've learned I can can love someone SO much and I'm not just talking about Holden. Yes, from the moment I saw him I had this overwhelming love for another human being and that is just indescribable but I'm talking more about the love for my husband. Who know I could love him anymore? He has been really great through this getting me whatever I shout out at the top of my lungs, hehe! It really is nice to have him around and it makes me appreciate single/widowed mothers in this world. Now if I could just find the super power to make the laundry fold and put itself away that would be great! Where is my fairy Godmother when I need her?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"I heard it so I came out..."

In the words of the great Comedian Dane Cook (in reference to hearing a car accident in front of a house) "I heard it so I came out" If you are confused don't worry allow me to explain! On Tuesday September 1st, Zak and I sat on the couch watching the "The Breakup." Good movie that also has the song "I Can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash

Okay so, Zak started singing the song when it came on during the movie. Well he didn't exactly know the lyrics so I looked them up on my phone. He continued to sing at the top of his lungs, with me singing backup vocals, to my belly! Zak made a comment about the baby wanting to come out because he/she loved his singing and would want to hear more of it. Well I guess he was right since my water broke the next day! Thus the saying "I heard it so I came out." Now everynight before Holden goes to bed I play "his" song for him. It will forever be his song and some day he will be so embarrsed by us singing to him and will pretend to hate it! I thought it was a cute story so I thought I would share it with everyone :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Introducing... Holden Frederick George

HE is here!!! The infamous Baby G made his arrival on September 3, 2009 at 3:15am, weighing 6lbs 7oz and 20 inches long! Here is the story. I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday the 2nd and at the appointment not much had changed I was dilated to 3 1/2 cm and 100% effaced. So Zak and I left kind of bummed but knowing that really anything could happen. We went home, I made dinner and did my normal evening routine but this time decided on going for a walk with Molly, Zak wasn't feeling up to it and decided to get some work done.(good thing looking back) I took a 45 minute walk and boy did it feel good! Molly was exhausted too. I honestly didn't feel like anything was going to happen, I was having a few contractions but nothing serious. We once again went through our nightly routine and were in bed by 9:45. I was reading and Zak (as per the norm) was passed out asleep in about 5 minutes. Around 10:15pm my water broke. It was a very surreal moment, I didn't know what to do, but Zak was calm (or asleep) and told me to call the doctor on call, so I did! I was told to come to the hospital when my contractions got strong or if they hadn't started to come in at 1pm. So I layed back down and talked with Zak for a few minutes, he decided to go get some more work done and I thought it would be a good idea to take a hot shower. Once in the shower I could feel the contractions picking up, so I got out and got everything together for the hospital. I already had my bag packed but need stuff for Zak and kept thinking of other stuff. By about 11:30pm my contractions were coming quick and hard so I told Zak we needed to go. Most of you know my husband, but for those who don't let's just say he is a bit frugal (that is putting it nicely) So when the doctor told us that the hospital billed you at a full day if you got there before midnight even if it was 11pm you better believe Zak was willing to push off our arrival at the hospital until after midnight. So he took his time packing the car and waiting for Phil to arrive to watch the dogs. He thought they were going to send us home, not understanding that once your water breaks you are admitted no matter what. So of course we got there about 10 after midnight and I was admitted. Once at the hospital I was checked and was dilated to a 4cm, we thought we were in for a long night. My blood was pulled and monitors attached, it was decided that I needed an IV because I was throwing up and my body wasn't keeping up and becoming dehydrated. After a million questions and a load of paperwork for the cord blood donation the nurse asked if I wanted to get in the shower, the room I was in didn't have a tub, I said yes that might feel really good as my contractions felt like they were getting harder. She asked if I wanted her to check me. I asked her when she would normally check again and she said "Not for another hour." (it had been an hour and a half since we got to the hospital) I said yes check me, well I was 8cm! She decided to call my doc, good idea right!? I got in the shower and Zak sprayed me with water and helped me through the contractions, I couldn't have done it without him he was my ROCK! I was having a really hard time resisting the urge to push and the shower was a life saver. By the time the shower was over my doc was there, I was checked again and dilated to 9cm. 1 more to go! Did I mention I decided to have a natural birth? Zak made a smart ass comment about being in active labor, of course he made everyone including myself laugh. At about 2:45 am I was allowed to start pushing and at 3:15am we welcomed our little man into the world. It was exciting to hear and see that Baby G was a boy after 38 weeks of guessing, Zak and I always said he so it was nice to see we were right! He was put on my chest and Dad cut the cord, then he was taken to be cleaned off. They cleaned him off in the room so I could see and hear him the entire time, and Zak was able to be right there as well. In all the craziness to get into my room Zak decided to just bring up my bag and he would go get the rest of the stuff once we were settled, Well that never happened so we had NO camera. That's right we brought 3 cameras to the hospital and we didn't have a single one with us in the room. So the first pictures of Holden were taken with our cells phones! But here are just a few of his first days of life~ (They are a little backwards as far as order but you get the idea)

The hospital gives new parents a really nice dinner or lunch for the last day, it was FANTASTIC!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Baby G's Nursery

Here are just a few pictures of the nursery. Thanks again to my mom for the awesome paintings and Liz for the furniture!