Wednesday, June 24, 2009

28 weeks down....

I had another Doctors appointment yesterday and since I am in my 3 trimester I will be going every 2 weeks until the last month which changes to every week. So the stats are in! I have gained 6 pounds from my pre baby weight. Technically I have gained 12 pounds, because I lost 6 pounds in the beginning but the way the doctors do things that doesn't count to them. So my total is 6! Baby G's heart rate was 150 yesterday so that keeps us consistently between 140 and 150 for the last 5 visits. (Boy or Girl guesses?) Hearing it yesterday it was SO loud and you could actually hear the valves gurgling away, our baby has a STRONG heart!!! And I'm measuring at 28 1/2 weeks so that is right on! I have my next appointment on the 8th of July and at that time they will schedule my ultrasound, which is hopefully my final ultrasound. This ultrasound will be to check on Baby G's weight to see if he is growing the way he should or not due to the SUA. At this time if he/she is 2 or more weeks behind schedule according to 32 weeks they will either induce or do a C-section. There comes a point when the baby will do better outside the womb then in after they have fallen behind! Keep your fingers crossed and prayers coming on this one, I really would rather have a full term baby than an underweight one!

Okay time for pictures!!

24 Week reminder

28 weeks

Me, Baby G and Molly!

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