Monday, March 2, 2009

12 week Ultrasound

Well the anxiously awaited first ultrasound update is here!! This morning (which I might add is my 26th birthday!!!) Zak and I went to our first ultrasound to see Baby G! So far everything looks good and Baby G measures in at 12 weeks so that keeps my due date at September 13th. He is 2 inches long and was moving around and kicking like CRAZY! It was such a cool experience and I still can't believe there is a baby in my belly! Zak and I don't feel it is real, this helped a little, because it is hard to think you are pregnant when your body isn't changing.

I started taking pictures of my stomach from the day we found out. So I will post three of those so you can the month "change" All though it isn't much of a change :) I have noticed my stomach getting rounder but as of yet I have only lost weight from being so sick :( I have been reassured that this is normal and I will surely catch back up!!! okay so here those are!!

4 weeks!!

8 weeks!!

12 weeks!!
As you can see there is a difference between 8 and 12 which is when I got really sick :( Feeling better now so let the weight gain begin!

Thanks to everyone who sent me Happy Birthday Wishes!!!


Jenni and Simon said...

Very cool! Look at the little one:) What a great birthday present.

Anonymous said...

Robben!!! My facebook status was cut off at work so I have to check the baby status on your blog!! Happy belated birthday by the way!!! I am glad you are feeling better, and I am excited to see your prego progress!! Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed your birthday. Happy belated b'day. Baby G is looking so cute already. Isn't it amazing how he is only two inches, but he is perfectly formed.