Sunday, November 1, 2009

Just some thoughts

It is Sunday the first of November and here I sit with a sleeping baby by my side. It still is a bit unreal to say that I am a mother, that Baby G is no longer just an ultrasound picture HE is very real and has very real needs and wants. Must of these only I can provide. He is such a good little man but I wouldn't mind a little more sleep or a consistent schedule, babies should come out like that! I am however adjusting and looking forward to working more but glad that I will be able to be at home with him. In this I am lucky. I have the perfect situation, stay at home mom/working mom. I just hope that I will be able to find the best balance for this situation and Holden will someday appreciate the fact that I was there to raise him, take him to the bus stop and make his lunch. Having to drop my son off at daycare or have a babysitter would break my heart. On another note and I almost HATE myself for thinking the words before I type them but it would be nice to have some time to myself! Zak doesn't do too well with the crying spells! On the same note as work, spending so much time in the house makes me have a little cabin fever so i've been trying to get out more. After Holden was born I made it a goal to everyday take a shower and get out of my PJ's (except for on Sundays, which I call God's day and don't do anything if I don't want too!) I have done SUCH a good job of actually getting ready from head to toe!!

Just some thoughts... :)

1 comment:

stephanie wind said...

Hey Robs,

Things will get a little easier, I promise. The thing is, the changes are gradual, and so you don't really notice them as they are happening. Then, one day you wake up and you say, oh wow, Holden didn't actually wake up last night! Or, man, he's taking a really good nap, I am so glad that I that time to myself! It will happen. We are in this for the long haul Robs...when our kids are off to college, you and I can take a trip some place tropical and celebrate our "freedom." :) (And celebrate the fact that our kids turned out so freakin' awesome - thanks to us!)